Must Know Tips for First Time Landlords

Owning and managing rental properties can be a challenging and overwhelming task. However, with the right knowledge and skills, it can also be a profitable and rewarding venture. Whether you are a novice landlord or an experienced one looking to enhance your skills, this comprehensive guide to landlording offers 20 essential tips to help you navigate the rental world with ease. For those seeking to delve deeper, the guide also includes 75 bonus tips to equip you with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in managing your rental properties.

Keep a business mentality

Running a rental property is a serious business, not a mere pastime or sideline. Landlords, even those with only one rental, should approach this investment with a business mindset. To ensure success, it is crucial to handle it professionally, establish an accounting process, and avoid becoming too emotionally invested. While damage is inevitable, it should be considered a cost of doing business. Being vigilant during the screening process and adhering strictly to rules is essential because the objective is to generate profits, not engage in charitable activities. Always keep in mind that you are in this to make money.


If you haven’t yet moved your property marketing online, it’s time to do so. Given that the majority of renters today are from the millennial generation, having a strong online presence is critical. By utilizing a free property listing syndication service, you can increase interest in your property without having to put in extra effort.

Rental Value

Are you struggling to fill vacant units? If so, it may be worth conducting a rent comparison report to determine whether your rent is appropriately priced. Keep in mind that the condition of your property and the amenities provided can also impact pricing.

Screening Tenants

Here’s a crucial tip for landlords to remember: always screen potential tenants for their credit history, criminal background, and eviction history. These screening measures are essential in selecting a qualified tenant and safeguarding against expensive eviction proceedings.

Localize your Lease Agreements

Housing regulations differ significantly from one state to another and, in certain instances, even between cities. It’s advisable to engage the services of an attorney to help you develop a lease specific to your state or city to ensure that you cover all critical aspects.

Pre Move in Inspections

To keep track of damages and have the necessary documentation to support any security deposit deductions, it’s important to conduct a walkthrough and complete a condition report when a new tenant moves in. Similarly, when a tenant moves out, ensure to complete a move-out condition report. This will help you stay organized and have the paperwork you need in case of disputes or damages.

Get Everything in Writing

As a landlord, it’s essential to ensure that all agreements, from your standard lease to any amendments or contracts, are documented in writing. The more documentation you have, the better. This includes move-in and move-out reports. Verbal agreements are not as secure as written agreements, so it’s best to have everything in writing.

Avoid Collecting Rent in Person

Although collecting rent in person may appear to be a kind gesture, it can turn out to be a significant waste of time. Conflicting schedules, unforeseen emergencies, and postponed meetings could result in delayed rent payments. To avoid the hassle, consider using one of the many other viable options for rent payments, such as collecting it online, which is less time-consuming and more convenient.

Require Renter’s Insurance

Requiring renters insurance benefits not only your tenants but also provides protection for you as the landlord. Consider making it mandatory for all tenants.

Study Fair Housing Laws

Knowing the Fair Housing Laws inside and out is one of the most crucial tips for landlords. Following these laws is critical to safeguard yourself against discrimination lawsuits.

Know Landlord/Tenant Laws

In addition to the Fair Housing Laws, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with all local laws and regulations regarding landlords and tenants. For instance, in Fort Collins, Colorado, landlords are obligated to provide screens for all house windows, and failing to do so would put them in violation of the city’s regulations.

Communicate with your Tenants

Effective communication is crucial, and it’s also the top complaint among tenants. Whether it’s signing a lease, addressing maintenance requests, or discussing late fees, it’s important not to ignore your tenants and keep them informed at all times.

Build Professional Relationships

When meeting your new tenants, it’s crucial to establish a professional and consistent relationship. The aim is to create a respectful relationship that works both ways. You should be courteous and kind while also being firm and fair.

Enforce your Rental Agreement

Consistency is essential when it comes to enforcing policies such as late fees or fees for snow removal. It’s important to stick to the agreed-upon fees, or tenants may begin to take advantage of leniency and delay payment or snow removal. Upholding the rules and regulations outlined in the lease agreement is equally critical; otherwise, the agreement could lose its significance.

Perform Routine Inspections

It is advisable to conduct an inspection of your rental properties at least once a year, but ideally, every six months. This will not only help you detect damages to your property but also inform you of any violations of the lease agreement.

Hire Quality Repairmen

It’s important to never allow tenants to handle repairs or upgrades to your property. Always hire a professional for any work that needs to be done. Investing in professional work will ensure that your rental property is maintained in the best possible condition.

Develop a good rapport with contractors whom you trust and maintain a healthy relationship with them. Keep their contact details handy and have a contingency plan in place for any emergency situation. To make it more convenient, allow your tenants to schedule repairs and maintenance work as per their availability, which will save you from the hassle of coordinating with contractors every time there’s an issue. This is particularly useful for absentee landlords who live far away from the rental property.

Handle Maintenance and Repairs Quickly

It’s important to prioritize responding to maintenance requests from tenants as quickly as possible, as delayed responses are a common complaint among tenants. Put yourself in their shoes and address the issue promptly. Not only does this show that you value your tenants, but it also helps protect you from liability issues.

Keep Happy Tenants

Maintaining happy tenants is crucial for a stress-free landlord experience. To retain responsible tenants who love your property, consider going the extra mile, such as upgrading old appliances or replacing a sagging door. Small gestures like these can go a long way in keeping good tenants around.