So, you’ve bid adieu to your tenants, and now it’s time to navigate the maze of refunding their security deposit. But hold your horses! Before you jump into this process, let’s delve into what many landlords overlook, potentially leading to sticky situations and even legal repercussions. Timely Refunds In California, the clock starts ticking the ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Updated 9/10/24 For landlords in California, understanding the legalities of security deposits is crucial, particularly when it comes to making adjustments during an active lease. A common question that arises is whether a landlord can increase the security deposit mid-lease. This question often stems from changes in rental agreements, the addition of new tenants, or ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Under California law, the handling of a tenant’s security deposit is subject to specific regulations to ensure fair and transparent practices. One crucial requirement is that landlords must provide a written account of the security deposit within 21 days of the tenant vacating the unit. This detailed breakdown must include any deductions made, especially for ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Updated 6/27/24 In California, landlords typically require a security deposit, which is usually equivalent to one month’s rent. The purpose of this deposit is to protect against damage to the property beyond normal wear and tear, and to mitigate any financial losses in the event of a tenant breaking the lease early and failing to ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
The biggest and most common issue between landlords and tenants are by far late or nonpayment of rent. The handling of security deposits are a very close second. Most of the issues lie in how landlords and tenants each think they work or what they’re for. The fact is these two ideas or concepts are ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Updated 04/18/24 In a rental property, there is a distinction between “wear and tear” and “damages” that is important for both landlords and tenants to understand. Here’s the difference between the two terms: Wear and Tear: Damages: Table of Contents Once a tenant has vacated your rental property, the landlord has 21 days to give ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Update 7/18/24 Navigating the complex landscape of California’s rental market can be daunting for landlords, especially when it comes to understanding and complying with security deposit laws. As a landlord, it’s crucial to be well-versed in these regulations to avoid legal pitfalls and ensure a smooth relationship with your tenants. This comprehensive guide will walk ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
Updated 9/3/24 As a landlord, you may encounter tenants who request to use their security deposit for rent, especially during times of financial hardship. While this may seem like a reasonable solution, it’s important to consider the legal, financial, and practical implications before agreeing. In this article, we’ll explore whether allowing tenants to use the ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages
A landlord is faced by a constant worry when renting out their property, and that is due to property damage by the tenant. Although, the security deposit you take when renting out the property may be enough to cover the damage, it is important to know the recourse after damage, and how to make repairs. ..Read More
Filed under: Security Deposits & Damages