Most evictions begin with either a three or sixty day notice.
The three day notice is usually for nonpayment of rent, but may also be given for other breaches of the rental agreement. Examples of reasons, other than nonpayment of rent, include having pets without the landlord’s consent, collecting waste on the premises, or disturbing the peace of other tenants.

Most thirty day notices do not have to include a reason, but there are several exceptions to the general rule. If the agreement is under a Section 8 (Housing Authority) contract or in a local jurisdiction that requires the eviction to be for good cause, the notice will require a reason.
No notice is required when the lease term expires and the tenancy has not been converted to a month to month tenancy by the agreement or by the landlord’s consent or conduct.
Evictions after a foreclosure require either a three day or thirty day notice, depending on the status of the occupant as the former owner or a tenant of the former owner.
Serving Your Notice
Fast Eviction Service can serve your notice for you. We will prepare the notice the same day we receive your information and we will send it out for delivery that same night. Call us, we are here to help! Our number is (800)686-8686 and get started today!
If you prefer, you can see the Notice section for the 3-day, 30-day and Proof of Service forms. You can download or print them out and send them to us to be served.
Please feel free to contact our eviction specialists for more information at (800) 686-8686.