Eviction Moratorium Extended in Los Angeles County Through February 28, 2021
LA County’s Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 to provide an additional month of eviction protections to LA County tenants. They also added further protections to keep landlords from “harassing” and intimidating tenants for non-payment of rent. The news comes as California is seeing its worst spike in COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.
The problems that landlords and defenders of both sides are seeing, however, is that this still doesn’t “solve” the real issue. The rent and bills for underpaid rent would eventually still be due. This will eventually cause tenants who don’t have steady income to be stuck in a cycle of debt for years to come or worse: homeless with an unpayable amount of debt.
The worst part is, some landlords argue that the eviction moratorium is unfair because some tenants who have the means to pay their rent are refusing to do so. This creates unnecessary financial hardship to rental property owners, mom and pop landlords in particular.
Besides extending the time period for which a landlord can legally evict a tenant from January 31st, 2021 to February 28, 2021, the extension also provides few other key protections which landlords until now have been able to use to evict tenants. These include
- Landlords can’t evict their tenant for denying entry into the rental property under reasonable conditions.
- Tenants cannot be evicted in the case where an unlawful detainer has been filed but not executed.
Something else to mention is that the Board of Supervisors directed county officials to create a diverse group of landlords, tenants and advocates to meet monthly to discuss and propose new policy options to strengthen the eviction moratorium.
Other important measures that are working their way through Sacramento at the moment worth mentioning are:
- Senate Bill 3: This bill would extend California’s statewide eviction moratorium through March 31st, 2021.
- AB 15: This bill would extend California’s statewide eviction moratorium through the end of 2021.
- AB 16: This bill is written to provide a framework to distribute future funds from either state or federal government to tenants and landlords.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for a free consultation. 1-800-686-8686 or intake@fastevict.com
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