Residential Eviction Moratorium Extended in Santa Monica

The City of Santa Monica has signed an extension to their moratorium on residential evictions for reasons that do not include nonpayment of rent.

What does this mean? The extension modifies the local emergency orders already in place with some exceptions up  until at least January 31, 2021. The new extension also modifies rules to residential evictions.

  1. It extends protections for tenants for reasons other than non payment of rent such as nuisance and lease violations until at least March 31, 2021. Non payment of rent eviction restrictions are still controlled by AB 3088.
  2. The extension now requires landlords to email a copy of any notices served to tenants in efforts to evict a tenant to the City Attorney’s Office ( This includes any 15 day notices as stipulated in AB 3088.

You can read the official release here.